About Apps For Sigma

Apps for Sigma provides productivity enhancing apps for the market leading cost estimation software, EG Sigma

About Us

Professional Apps

All Apps available from Apps for Sigma are developed and provided by Anole IT ApS – danish based company and partner of EG.

All apps are approved and acknowledged by EG before any development on an app even starts. It’s coordinated and discussed with EG in order to ensure that it is in compliance with, and not conflicting with, anything on the EG Sigma roadmap.

Finally the apps are thoroughly tested and controlled before released.

Approved and verified by EG Sigma

Continuously improved and updated

Tested and controlled.

Our Apps

Current available apps

Word reporting

Use Microsoft Word as your report engine

Calculated Custom Fields

Create your own data with calculated custom fields

Track Changes

Track all changes and know who did what and when

Reach out

Didn’t find your answer? Feel free to reach out.

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Company info

Anole IT ApS

VAT number: DK38337262

Address: Cikorievej 19, DK-4420 Regstrup, Denmark