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Word Insight Settings

Below is a description for each of the settings in the Insight settings window, when setting up the report template in Word.

Ask for detailsCheck this if you want to be asked to input the Print levels, from and to, and show price levels, when creating the report. This gives you the possibility choose the level of details each time you create a report.
Autofit columnsCheck this if you want the tool to autofit columns once the result table has been created. This will make sure the text gets as much space as possible and columns don’t take up more space than needed. It will however span the entire page width to make the table fill the page.
Notes on new lineCheck this if you want notes to be moved a new line below the text.
Add space beforeSelect the level you want to add an empty space row above, if any. This can make the report more readable with separator row.
Replace pricesCheck this if you want to replace prices with a symbol or text.
Replace price symbolsEnter the symbol (or text) you want to replace the prices with. Can be a maximum of 12 characters long.
Requires “Replace prices” checkbox to be checked.
Show price levelsChoose how many levels to show prices for. This can be used in case you only want to show prices for upper levels and just have lower levels shown for details, but without prices.
Show sums in the bottomCheck this if you want the totals shown in the bottom. This will take ie. Level 1 totals and shown them underneath all child nodes.
  Show sums forSelect which levels you want to show totals for.
Requires “Show sums in the bottom” to be checked.
  Add border above sumCheck this if you want a line above the total row.
Requires “Show sums in the bottom” to be checked.
  Use same style for sum lineCheck this if you want the total line to have the same style (layout) as the level row.
Requires “Show sums in the bottom” to be checked.
Hide Total sumCheck this if you don’t want to show the Total line.
FromSelect which level you wish the report to start at. Options are Root (top level), Total or a specific level.
ToSelect which level you wish the report stop at (this level included). Options are Bottom, Total or a specific level.
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